The Boss
The Power-Hungry Boss
The "I’m-The-Boss!" trait ("the Boss") is perhaps the most egregious and dangerous trait that any politician could be afflicted with.
For some individuals, the I’m-The-Boss trait is an innate trait that, sooner or later, will manifest itself!  Some individuals just want to be the Boss — they can’t help it!
Innately power-hungry, the Boss wannabe is self-serving and will do anything to attain power — TOTAL POWER!
To achieve his or her ends, The Boss lies, misinforms, cheats and takes advantage of his/her trusting supporters.

What The Fascist Boss Wants

  1. Absolute Power – like Putin and Xi Jinping
  2. Judicial Control – install his/her own judges
  3. Control Wealth – demand "donations"
  4. Control All Media – eliminate Free Press
  5. No Opposition – abolish political parties
Exploiting Their Supporters
Because of their party affiliation, ethnicity or a "we-are-kindred-spirits" attitude, a significant number of Americans develop a natural affinity for The Boss wannabe over time.

They find The Boss charismatic, agreeable and believe any utterance he/she pronounces must be true!  They tend to see The Boss as their "political messiah".

Taking advantage of his trusting followers' weaknesses and prejudices, The Boss tells his/her supporters what they want to hear — regardless of its falsity.

Cognizant of his/her supporters' trust and "loyalty", The Boss wannabe will not hesitate to lie, defraud or gaslight his/her trusting supporters.

The Boss wannabe will indirectly cajole (coax) them to commit criminal acts which will eventually place them in legal jeopardy and put them in jail, e.g., the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

The Well-Meaning Boss Wannabe
To be sure, the "I’m-The-Boss" trait is not limited to the MAGA-types!
Being humans, many well-meaning individuals who want to be The Boss deceive themselves into believing that only they can fix it — that they know it all and need no advice from anyone — even from more experienced individuals who might be able to help their cause!